Prayer to Saint Mary Help of Christians
O Maria Auxiliatrice, we really again, totally, sincerely on you!
You who are powerful Virgin, stay close to each of us.
Repeat to Jesus, for us, the “they run out of wine” you said about the Cana bride and groom, so that Jesus can renew the miracle of salvation.
Repeat to Jesus: “they are out of wine! “, “They have no health, they have no peace of mind, they have no hope! ”.
Among us there are many sick, some also serious, comfortable, or Mary Auxiliatrice,
Among us there are many lonely and sad old people, console them, or Mary Auxiliatrice!
Among us there are many discouraged and tired adults, support them, O Mary Auxiliatrice!
You who have taken charge of each person, help each of us take charge of the life of the next person!

by profa.Elvira’24

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By Elvira P. Ximenes

Elemen KPKers Dili TL, telah menyumbangkan puluhan tulisan berupa, artikel, cerpen, dan puisi ke BN, dengan motonya, "Mengukir makna dalam setiap kalimat, menghidupkan dunia dalam setiap paragraf", pingin jadi penulis mengikuti jejak para penulis senior lainnya di Indonesia.

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