As a creative young generation in the world of writing, I am Devinarti Seixas, Founder of the Timor-Leste Creative Writers Community (KPKers) on behalf of all members of the Timor-Leste KPKers, wishing all FALINTIL members a happy 49th FALINTIL Day in the country of Timor-Leste.

FALINTIL is a name that contains the history of the struggle to realize the dreams of the nation’s fighters, our day, I personally as the next generation of the nation, representing the big family of the Timor-Leste KPKers, would like to express my infinite gratitude to the FALINTIL fighters on the occasion of FALINTIL’s 49th anniversary celebration this year.

We hope that the young generation of Timor-Leste will always fight to continue the vision & mission that has been inherited by the FALINTIL fighters through their long struggle. The name FALINTIL is a history of the courage shown by the fighters on the battlefield.

Hopefully every moment of FALINTIL’s anniversary can open our minds, like the next generation of this nation, to work together to protect the legacy of the fighters, namely the independence of the country of TimorLeste.

Don’t forget, on behalf of the TimorLeste KPKers, I would like to express a million thanks because thanks to the FALINTIL people, TimorLeste has finally reached the pinnacle of independence.

We are working so that the FFDTL members can now set a good example for the people of Timor-Leste as has been done in inherited by FALINTIL fighter figures who died on the battlefield and who are still accompanying us to this day.

Hopefully in the future the name FALINTIL will always be fragrant in the eyes of the people of Timor-Leste as well as the people of regional and continental countries and even internationally because of all the persistence of the fighters. etched together with the name FALINTIL.

Hopefully the FALINTIL leaders will always be an inspiration for the nation’s future generations in the future.

Once again congratulations on FALINTIL’s 49th anniversary, on 20/08/2024.

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By Devinarti Seixas

Penulis dan Pendiri KPKers Timor Leste, dengan mottonya: "Kebijaksanaan bukan untuk mencari kehidupan melainkan untuk memberi kehidupan dan menghidupkan". Telah menyumbangkan lebih dari 100 tulisan berupa; berita, cerpen, novel, puisi dan artikel ke BN sejak 2021 hingga sekarang.

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