One day early in the morning Mella’s cousin called Ayu. Ayu is surprised, what’s wrong, Mella? said Ayu when she heard Mella take a deep breath.

Ayu uncle Ikbal hanged himself! Yes, let Ayu answer. Mella is confused, why did you answer like that, Shii doesn’t pity people who hang themselves. Yes, no Mella, I will not be sad for people like that, whether they are sick or die, have an accident or even commit suicide.

Ayu, you don’t feel sorry for him, do you? Not at all. So what ? Mella asked. Have you forgotten 25 years ago when they spoke disrespectfully of my father and my father only rebuked their words as the youth of this nation! What were they doing at that time, said Mella. Everyone who is guilty of someone who is much older, personally I never feel lost.

What does it mean Ayu. Mella, have you forgotten when my father reprimanded them for their harsh words, what Iqbal did to my father? He slapped my father like a child, understand! Try someone doing that to your father, said Ayu.

Never mind, I don’t have a candle for those who have been rude to my family because whatever and whoever my father used to be, there were many people who could get a plate of rice from my father’s sweat, so just let him commit suicide. Mella wants to know why, because our father taught us very well, namely teaching us to respect other people.

Iqbal’s slap on my father’s cheek was a valuable lesson for us father’s children so hearing the news that Iqbal had committed suicide/hanged himself was not more meaningful for me. It actually reminded me of the image of his palm on my father’s cheek.

But he had already hanged Ayu. Yes, it is appropriate for KARMA to act, so respect other people. I’m not surprised not only because he slapped my father not Mella but I think why should we be the victim of tears crying for someone who should have abandoned his responsibilities Mella.

He is a man of energy, has a burden of responsibility to his wife and children and the family takes the path Is the shortcut of hanging yourself worthy of pity? Is it worth crying over? Mella, try to think carefully.

Natural law is that when you torture people physically and psychologically, the body parts you use will come back to torture yourself at a different time. When you hurt someone with your mouth, karma will come to welcome you through your mouth, when you hurt someone with your hands, karma will come through your hands, so as a human being, Iqbal hanging himself is not something very new.

That’s how serious your thoughts are, Mella said. . If we have to continue to forgive then we will continue to be hurt even though we were not taught to hurt so just say a prayer for him because he is not a good man. What does Ayu mean? Ask Mella.

If he is a good man, no matter how difficult the problems he faces, he doesn’t have to take shortcuts, because he is the head of the family who is needed by his wife and children. why did he have to choose the ridiculous path of death by hanging himself Mella.

When they slapped their father, they said, father, I’m stupid, they are smart, and have authority in this country, why don’t they live to build this country, Mella, they have to hang themselves, everything Ayu said giving instructions that hands hurt people, makq, those hands will hurt ourselves because KARMA APPLIES so Iqbal hanging himself is not a new problem that must be cried about but prayed for Iqbal to be accepted by Allah.

Thank you Ayu for everything I thought Mella would be surprised to hear this news, but apparently not!

The event of hanging has been passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors so we don’t have to be surprised, instead we should use the death that Iqbal went through as a lesson because no matter how difficult the problem we face, there is certainly a solution so we have to pray for Iqbal so that Allah accepts him.

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By Devinarti Seixas

Penulis dan Pendiri KPKers Timor Leste, dengan mottonya: "Kebijaksanaan bukan untuk mencari kehidupan melainkan untuk memberi kehidupan dan menghidupkan". Telah menyumbangkan lebih dari 100 tulisan berupa; berita, cerpen, novel, puisi dan artikel ke BN sejak 2021 hingga sekarang.

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