Born on 14/10/1946
Died on 08/12/1975
Poet Francisco Borja da Costa. Your name is written on the land of Timor-Leste as a poet and composer of the national anthem Pátria-Pátria and the mandatory song Kadalak Sulimutu as well as many of your poems which will always be etched in my soul as the next generation of the Timor Leste nation. no matter how much of my work I still say through prayer you are the best. You have only disappeared from our eyes, but you have not completely disappeared from the hearts of this nation’s future generations, O poet of countless writings.
Your name is Francisco Borja da Costa, a native son who wrote the lyrics to the national anthem of Timor-Leste (Pátria) and the lyrics to the national anthem Kadalak Sulimutu will always be etched in my heart as well as the hearts of other generations? If you are a writer as well as a poet and a series of song lyrics that have been made into the national anthem of the mainland country of Timor Leste where you were born, why are we now ignoring those of us who want to compose words to follow in your footsteps?
Francisco Borja da Costa, you are only gone physically, but you will always be in the hearts of the next generation of this nation with your national lyrics and the lyrics of your favorite songs and your poetry. We will always engrave your name in our souls, we will always remember you, even if only through the works and verses of poetry that you left behind.
The name of Francisco Borja da Costa, a native child who lost his body but his soul is still reborn in the hearts of the nation’s future generations because I realized that writing is not just writing, but there is a background behind it, namely motivation.
I realized that if you don’t just write when you look at the sky or the earth when you write the lyrics to the songs Pátria and Kadalak Sulimutu, you actually witness, see, hear and feel the destruction that occurs when the war takes place.
Pátria song lyrics that are so full, contain elements of a shaking heart, hope for independence, freedom for the children of our beloved country and now it is true that TimorLeste has become a democratic country.
The mandatory song Kadalak Sorumutu is always trending to the second This, not just anymore, but contains elements of motivation for the next generation of the Timor-Leste nation. I can call you the father of writers and poets according to my version that you are a great person who was abandoned by the earth but always lives in my heart and the hearts of other young generations.
Continue to propose ideas to our brains and hearts as a generation of the Timor-Leste nation so that we can expand works like you, dear poet, so that we can become generalist writers in the future like you. accompanying our days because I realized Mr. Francisco Borja da Costa that writing is work for eternity.
One verse of poetry behind this article is for you
Millions of letters have no meaning
but you can put them together
into words until sentences
ultimately have meaning
Not just writing
but the arrangement of a series of words that contain elements
motivation from fantasy
now a reality
You are a poet born from a mother’s womb
the writer of the song lyrics
Pátria nationality
Salute to you, my senior
body abandoned by the earth
but the name will not fade
from the memory of every generation
who want to follow in your footsteps
Francisco Borja da Costa
become it always a hero for
the nation’s next generation
to be able to continue
The work in the next version
You are a senior writer
who is always an inspiration to
the nation’s children
even though your body is abandoned by the earth
but we will always remember you through your work
Francisco Borja da Costa
native son