Today for some reason, my fingers forced me to write the words United Kingdom (UK). Sometimes I forget where I get the money to eat and drink and choose to stay alive in my country Timor-Leste.

Just today I was thinking, why my fellow woman who is a single parent confided in me that she had a difficult life and chose to return to live in her hometown. I actually realized that we were in the same boat, but why did I still feel at home living in Dili, the capital city of Timor-Leste, even though I didn’t have a job?

Suddenly I remembered my younger siblings. Ah, it turns out I can still survive because of my siblings. Namely Manuel Seixas&Jose Valenti Seixas Also Maria Seixas who is currently a worker in the United Kingdom (UK), a structured Monarchy country, namely a country whose name I used to hear along with the name of a prominent Queen, namely Queen Elisabet, Ledy Diana and her two sons . After that, I also heard the name United Kingdom along with the author of the novel Harry Potter by J.K Rowling, whose story is almost the same as the story of my life when I achieved my dream of becoming a writer.

The name of this country also reminds me of the Industrial Revolution when I was still sitting. in elementary school. The name of this country also reminds me of my little friend who was able to make me rise and ultimately make my dream of becoming a writer come true. If it weren’t for him, if it weren’t for the United Kingdom, I wouldn’t remember myself, let alone my childhood dreams.

Everyone was going around taking care of documents, I just stared from a distance. I don’t know why, I forgot that I had a future, I forgot that I had dreams, I forgot that I ever helped other people because in my memory I only remember my childhood with my friends in the environment where I was born and lived as well as my elementary school friends.

As time went by I realized when everything happened to me that the name United Kingdom is also history for me apart from the history of this country which I studied first through the books I read.

That day when my little friend greeted me I just realized that I am a good person and of course all this time I lost my memory when I was hit by a motorbike in front of Balide Church. However, after my little friend chatted with me and said that he was now in London, the capital of England (United Kingdom), I felt like all the memories of my dreams for the future had recovered since that day.

That day was historic because I recovered from various things. disease without taking a single drug. His presence was like a miracle from God when he said I am now in the United Kingdom special in the city of London. Is it true what I said? He immediately said that if it weren’t for you I probably wouldn’t be here? How come I was the one involved in your struggle, I said again.

Yes, because of all your kindness when you helped me when we were in elementary school, I will never forget Dev. Hmm, suddenly I was filled with tears, it turns out that life really has an owner. What we want will never be ours, even what we long for will never come. When we are struggling to forget, then he comes.

Sharing with each other, I feel completely healed. I am proud because my little friends still managed to greet me even though they were already in England (United Kingdom) which is led by the Bagawan family, namely Queen Elisabeth.

Pride happened when I realized that all my younger siblings were also in that country, even most of them the people of TimorLeste are now serving this country. Of course, as a family, we in TimorLeste are very grateful to the United Kingdom because thanks to its assistance it provides employment opportunities for our brothers and sisters so that they can help us in TimorLeste, our beloved country.

There is income from relatives which is used to facilitate his family goes to school, costs for food and drink as well

Build houses, businesses and other needs. I am truly proud of the British country which gave birth to the history of the Industrial Revolution because it was able to accept our family from Timor-Leste to live and even work in the United Kingdom for almost ten years. I am grateful to the leaders of the United Kingdom along with all the people of the United Kingdom because from this country, there are many of our brothers and sisters whose children were born in this country and are treated fairly and have the same rights as children in the UK (United Kingdom).

Over the decades, many of them have got decent jobs, are able to speak English, and their children also have access to good education.

Most of the families in Timor-Leste depend on our fate from our relatives and friends. Our sisters started with the need for clothing and food. Many magnificent buildings are now being built from the East to the West with their income from working in the United Kingdom. (Unite Kingdom) because we really felt a lot of drastic changes while our brothers and sisters were working in that country.

Thus, through this article, I am very grateful to the extended family of Queen Elisabeth as well as the author JK Rowling (Harry Potter Novels) that I am one of the writers who has almost the same story even though he experienced it on a different continent is also a fan of yours from my country Timor-Leste.

Thank you also to all the people of the United Kingdom for being able to accept our brothers and sisters. Apart from providing jobs, the United Kingdom also provides a place for them to live there while working and going to school in order to continue their lives.

Now many magnificent buildings have been erected from the hard work of our brothers and sisters who are currently working in the United Kingdom. Thus, millions of thanks for the Queen Elisabeth’s extended family as well as the people of the United Kingdom.

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By Devinarti Seixas

Penulis dan Pendiri KPKers Timor Leste, dengan mottonya: "Kebijaksanaan bukan untuk mencari kehidupan melainkan untuk memberi kehidupan dan menghidupkan". Telah menyumbangkan lebih dari 100 tulisan berupa; berita, cerpen, novel, puisi dan artikel ke BN sejak 2021 hingga sekarang.

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