1) I’m Looking for Your Name

    I’m standing under
    the hot sun
    while listening to the lyrics
    of Pátria’s song that day

    With jasmine tongue
    and singing along
    Song lyrics with soul
    touching tunes

    While looking at
    the flag fluttering on the pole
    which was towering
    approaching the sky

    Suddenly I shed
    tears for some reason
    while wiping away the tears
    which wet my cheeks

    who wrote lyrics
    again Pátria national anthem
    my country TimorLeste
    want to find out at that time

    Heart trembles until after singing the lyrics again Pãtria
    find out your name
    the composer

    Then ask one by one
    my closest friend
    but no one knows
    finally I heard the name, namely Francisco Borja Da Costa…

    A writer
    national anthem
    Pátria and mandatory songs
    Kadalak Sorumutu
    thank you for your work

    2) Flattered by Your Poetry

    painted on the board
    nameless white
    a series of words
    without realizing
    imagination finally becomes
    life’s reality

    In the middle of the heavy rain
    as I walk
    passing the East route
    I heard a song
    kadalak sorumutu
    I was moved to hear it

    On my way
    towards the Timor route
    when I arrived in the district
    Manatuto it was raining very hard
    tears were also flowing
    remembering a son of
    this city…..

    I am flattered by
    the lyrics of his songs and
    flattered by all
    his poetry that he left on the earth of TimorLeste

    Francisco Borja Da Costa is his name
    he is the writer
    also the great poet
    in his era who is not by our side now but is always present through his work

    3) Your name will always be present

    The body disappears
    in the earth’s shadow Loro Sae
    but your name will
    always be present in my heart

    even though the body is swallowed by the earth
    but I am aware of one thing
    that you will always
    present in the bottom of my heart

    when I put words together
    but you are always there
    in my mind, because you
    are the beginning of the chain

    both composed words
    both composed sentences
    from lyrics your songs and
    your beautiful poems

    You are a figure of praise
    you are a famous person on earth
    we are Timor-Leste

    You are not rich in material things
    but rich in ideas
    from natural thinking
    as well as critical and creative

    You are the father
    father of writers and poets
    your name will always be present
    Francisco Borja Da Costa

    4) Corner of the City I Carved Your Name

    Seeing Pigeons
    on the shore of Lake TasiTolu
    I’m thinking about you

    I don’t know how long
    I’ll stop
    writing pen
    on white paper

    But in this city
    Dili city is the capital of the country
    I will not stop

    In the song lyrics
    that TimorLeste
    is our country
    that’s why I want to put it together

    I engraved the corner of the city with your name
    through beautiful poetry
    because I even realized
    realized you were an extraordinary person

    Like a white dove
    which was flying
    even though it had no wings
    but always flew together
    beautiful poetry in the hearts of your generation

    Francisco Borja Da Costa
    I am in awe of you
    because God included
    the power of nature together
    with your series of poetry

    I will carve your name
    not just in the corner of the city
    but in all the minds
    generations of writers and poets

    5) Death After Life

    We are like leaves
    appear as buds
    then become leaves
    until in time
    will fall alone

    Likewise we as fruit
    have ores
    until one day
    become seeds
    even though new seeds grow

    Like the work of a poet
    will be left behind on the earth
    even though someday we will
    pass from life
    like leaves and fruit

    You and I
    always just at the same time
    in every idea
    but sometimes
    turning around from a
    different version

    We write for eternity
    we will not pass away completely
    because we will be present again
    present from all time
    in every place

    through writing
    through poetry
    through song lyrics
    even though we will die
    after living

    That’s the case with me and
    you are my teacher
    even though we don’t get to see
    your true form
    but the expression of your soul

    It feels so
    losing the fluttering
    of the flag in combination
    with the lyrics of your song
    Francisco Borja da Costa

    By Dev Seixas ²⁵

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    By Devinarti Seixas

    Penulis dan Pendiri KPKers Timor Leste, dengan mottonya: "Kebijaksanaan bukan untuk mencari kehidupan melainkan untuk memberi kehidupan dan menghidupkan". Telah menyumbangkan lebih dari 100 tulisan berupa; berita, cerpen, novel, puisi dan artikel ke BN sejak 2021 hingga sekarang.

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