A person’s success is based on commitment and courage to involve oneself in a process
Timor-Leste is a country in the form of Republica Democrática Timor-Leste (RDTL). A country that gained independence in the Millennial era, namely 1999 and restoration day fell on May 20, 2002.
When it became a country, other young people began to appear besides our leaders in the independence era. It is not surprising that there are many young leaders who now serve in various places in government institutions based on their abilities. Not just one or two people but many.

One of them is an inspiring story from one of the leaders who currently works as a Cabinet Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister who shared his experience that being a successful person is not because you are rich, not because your family’s economy is very supportive, not because you are smarter than others. or because he has abundant wealth, he said when asked by the writer Dev Seixas ²⁵.
I explain all these facts, because I am today not who I was yesterday or in the past but I am who I am now where I am still who I am struggling to make my past a valuable lesson. Why do I say that! Because according to Cornelis Raybaq, with the nickname Raybaq, who was born in Oeleo Bobonaro, precisely on 01/07/1972, he is a Catholic with a hobby of reading and dreams of becoming a doctor but has now switched to another profession because our fate has been determined by God, said the son of Mr. Filomeno. Gouveia Leite (Almahrum) and mother Filomena Barreto who are still alive.
According to Raybaq, success will not come to greet us alone, but a person’s success is based on commitment and courage to involve themselves in a process, said Raybaq.
Everything that on this earth like a mirage, sometimes we see a light up close, but actually there is no reality and everything goes through a process so that we are able to prove to ourselves that we can be who we are because of the abilities we have when we are brave and have commitment to involve ourselves in the process itself.
Thus, I personally want to express this fact to the next generation that the importance of our involvement in a process is so that we understand the meaning of success in the future. Because he realized that even though he had simple parents, he did not have formal education like other parents. However, with his existing commitment he was able to become today.

Success is not because we have a standard of wealth or money and possessions, but success for him is the result of effort and even long struggle behind the difficult times we face according to Raybag. Success is able to enlighten us, it can make us aware of our abilities from the beginning, middle to the end of the struggle.
If we define the meaning of success, it is the same as when we produce a work where we have to write from the opening, content and conclusion. If we read from beginning to end then we realize that we are at the end even though it is still continuing, concluded Raybaq when asked by Dev Seixas ²5.
With the experience we have gone through, I personally hope that the next generation will be able to involve themselves in a process of adopting a good mindset based on each other’s abilities in this era of independence. Because in the era of independence, the war for the next generation is certainly very meaningful for our beloved country, TimorLeste.
The involvement of the next generation in a process in the millennial era is certainly very much needed, especially in the era of digitalization. With the era of digitalization, I personally hope that the millennial generation will increasingly prepare themselves based on their individual abilities in order to develop this country together.
Timor-Leste, the country we love, certainly needs all of us apart from our leaders. Personally, I honestly applaud our warriors, because we are able to learn many things that I didn’t realize when I involved myself in the process. We are not aware, sometimes we are not even aware of our involvement in a process, we even think about what and why?
However, as time goes by, we will realize for ourselves that every process must have a target achieved. That’s when we realize that it is true that there is courage and even commitment to achieve our goals.
To be honest, I have a personal secret when I am brave and committed when involving myself in a process, namely tattooing with body and soul without caring about speculation from other people.
So from my personal experience, as an older brother, father, friend and relative, I hope that all of you as the young generation, namely the next generation of our country, Timor-Leste, don’t be ashamed to admit your abilities, but start to get involved in a process so that one day you will become be patient when we reap the results in the future and don’t forget the integrity of a commitment when we involve ourselves in a process.
By Bu Dev25