The reality of what happened in my life. One day my staff and I, Livia (Deonetria Alves). A student at a university who has served with KPKers TimorLeste for four years.

That day was Saturday. Livia and I, who I considered to be my own sister, sat at the Nicolau Lobato Tasi Tolu Dili school, Timor Leste because there was a course for English literacy practitioners at the Nicolau Lobato Dili school in collaboration with KPKers Timor Leste.

That day the two of us were sitting and telling stories. We complain because we no longer have money to facilitate our activities. Many staff are no longer active. I only have a little rent money on hand. However, that day I used it again to buy vegetables because the staff members Carmo, Eliu, Tonya and Jack were there to help me in the office where I was contracting even though the activities were not optimal because I was still on holiday for three months to rest.

That afternoon while working in the office, Livia and I went to Nicolau Lobato’s school to monitor the activities that were taking place at that time. I looked at the photo of the Timor Leste fighter figure at the school who is now named the leader of the fighter and said, if your soul lives even though your body has disappeared, you will certainly know my situation. also my staff. We no longer have any money to continue literacy activities. However, I know that apart from God, you, as a leader who has a high sense of nationalism for this country, certainly knows our situation better.

After saying that, I asked a member of my staff who I considered my little brother. Livia, they are still working, so maybe mom will go home first. However, before going home, I want to first ask who knows if the spirit of our leader, Nicolau Lobato, can hear our sorrows. What do you want to do, ma’am, asked Livia. On what date were you born? he answered me on 10/04 ma’am. Ok, mother was born on 16/06 so we are trying to find a fortune, who knows, maybe we will get it.

Finally when I got home I bought SDSB Singapore 1610 1016 0406 0604 and another number totaling 3.00. I gave the remaining 7 dollars to Carmo, Eliu and Tonya and Jack to buy credit. but that night there was really no luck.

The next day we had no money. Livia and Zio consistently come to teach. I went back to school even though there wasn’t a dollar in the canton. When I was about to leave, Alya gave me 10.00, saying that Ado wanted to pay for one month’s course first and he said, give me 5 dollars back first. Finally I caught up. There is no electricity credit at home, there is also no drinking water because we live at the top so we have to buy clean water for food and minium needs. Then I followed. Livia and I sat in our usual place. The principal came out of the office so I still had time to say good afternoon to him. Not long after, someone who used to sell Lotaria SDSB followed.

Our story remains the same, that we are really broke and have no money. However, my eyes were drawn again to the photo of leader Nicolau Lobato. I said God will definitely help us. I called that person again. Sorry, can you write our number? He also agreed. I wrote 2273 2274 1016 as well as the lider’s date of birth and death date, while saying Almarhum lider definitely knows that we have a commitment but there is no money and my grandfather and father will definitely help. Livia still said that yesterday the number didn’t come out so let it be. We’ll try again. Because we only had five dollars which was given by Ado, an English literacy practitioner, so I wrote it and then I went home and paid. The brother agreed and wrote it. Livia was still saying Amen, I hope I got it.

I went home through the front of her house and I immediately paid. The next day I didn’t deny it. Suddenly, when I checked both of our birth dates, it came up, while the other number’s date of birth and death date of the leader and the other numbers didn’t come up. Finally we got some luck so I immediately told Livia that we were hit.

Livia was also happy, yes our prayers were answered by God as well as the leader and grandfather and the spirits of father and mother. OK, come home from college and stop by, actually we split the two, only yesterday’s rent money was still left with 60 so mom used 50 dollars to add 10 dollars to pay the rest of the rent and Livia got 6.00 for credit, Alia, Mona, Noel 0.50 cents, mom and Alya’s papa 2.50 cents, Jack 1.50 cents remaining to buy credit for clean water, sugar and sardines and Aqua. We didn’t give the others because we didn’t have enough sustenance so we gave 2.50 cents to his wife who sells lottary and 2.50 cents to his in-laws, 1.00 dollars to Joni’s nephew and 3.00 to buy another but God’s sustenance has been arranged.

We feel we can live alone another week with this help. I gave the remaining 50 to my son and immediately gave it to the landlord because I still had 60 left so I added 10 dollars and gave it to the landlord.

I realized that when we stumble, even fall, God will always be between us as long as we don’t forget gratitude is what I felt when I decided to live alone with my two children.

I know that when I was little, I was just a spoiled child whose food I couldn’t even eat until I had to accept the food that my father or mother had chewed and then gave it to me. I just lay there, I couldn’t even cook or wash clothes until I got married and then my father was the one I could vent to who suddenly left me alone.

However, with my father’s death he taught me to choose a path for myself, namely learning to live independently. . Not just once or twice, but a lot of good fortune always greets me without me expecting it.

Since that day I realized my father’s words that when father and mother help people who need our help, we don’t expect anything in return from that person, but father and mother only sow the seeds, who knows the day after tomorrow those whom father and mother help will not help us but God will provide that help through other people at different times and in different places for my children or my great-grandchildren in the future, especially those of you who are spoiled.

I always keep my father’s advice and teachings neatly in my mind. It is true that father and mother taught that if you sow and you will reap, so when you sow goodness, the goodness you will reap in the future, if you sow evil, that is also what you will get.

Really I didn’t expect that I was the one who felt alone, but it’s as if my father is still there for me and knows my worries that everything I need always comes from other people who are like mirrors of my own father’s reflection and goodness.

Livia is one of the younger siblings who has been with me for a long time. He knows what I’ve been through all this time more than my own younger sibling. So since that day it has been a historical day for both of us that the conscience that is useful for this country will definitely have millions of paths as long as we are honest with ourselves that this is us, this is our dream and this is the reality of our life

thank you God, the spirit of Lider Nicolau Lobato, the spirit of grandfather is also father because we cannot say that it is our sustenance if it were not for you. Hopefully in the future we will always survive even though we face difficult situations because every sincere struggle will definitely reap sufficient results. and death has all been arranged by God and I can only live it.

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By Devinarti Seixas

Penulis dan Pendiri KPKers Timor Leste, dengan mottonya: "Kebijaksanaan bukan untuk mencari kehidupan melainkan untuk memberi kehidupan dan menghidupkan". Telah menyumbangkan lebih dari 100 tulisan berupa; berita, cerpen, novel, puisi dan artikel ke BN sejak 2021 hingga sekarang.

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